Sunday 7 April 2013


Oh, hi! Daylight savings ends today and I unexpectedly had an extra hour, which I spent running (of course) and that was so good because right now, I get to just enjoy the best thing about running, which is this feeling after the run. Sure I hate this feeling of being drenched in sweat, hot and absolutely sticky, but it is also strangely good at the same time, almost addictive kind of thing. 

I guess that time has finally come, whereby I actually enjoy doing this. I never thought that I would've said this in a million years, and I hated running for as long as I possibly could. I don't know why I persisted with it for so long. Because right now, I cannot imagine my life without it. Actually I can, and that is not a pretty sight. Dare I say that for the first time in my life I actually understand why people like exercising? Or specifically, running. 

Ok, this entry will end abruptly here. Because I am hungry. I am off to get ready for some fried chicken!! I missed out on the last bowls from Bar Pho yesterday and I am still bummed about it. I blame you for raising my standards of phos. That, plus my inability to let go. Oh well. 

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