Monday, 17 July 2023

the art of sharing words

I think about how words weave us together, how they stitch us back up when we feel entirely split down the middle, how they offer an outreached hand and an offering of companionship, how they sustain and support. I think about how what we might assume isn’t anything important or significant ends up being a lighthouse in someone’s day, even if only our own, and what else is more important than that? To turn on the light for one another by way of choosing to say what we have to say? To read the flicker, the glimmer, the words others choose to shine out into the world, becoming more ourselves for their having said what they have to say? - Lisa Olivera 2023

From time to time that question pops up - why write. Why bother to share. In this platform. In this space that I hardly ever update. The only consistent thing is the lack of updates. I am laughing. I made a promise to myself a while back that if I were not able to do this with care, then I would rather not do it at all. There is no point if I end up being over-extended in the process. It is not about the quantity; it is always about the quality. Quality doesn't just happen, it takes meticulous attention, absolute care and deliberate consciousness. It is an act of respect - both to the words themselves and their readers, and I would even extend that respect to their author. I am not obsessed with quality any more than any author/artist would be, but I do see my work as an extension of myself. I want to do it with care, so that I can do the work that I know I can do that actually matters to me. A lot of this is subsconscious. But it’s in a way in which even the words we are thinking is shaping the way we are living. Writing is just one way to express that. In writing, I indulge myself in the things that bring me back to live, in the questions that I have been asking that I cannot find answers for. I am not looking for any answers, or anything if at all, just merely observing. And maybe, just maybe, in holding myself with an eagernes to observe, I can give myself the words to string together. To make meaning out of something. Or nothing at all. 

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