Sunday, 19 May 2013

But you've lost weight! (How to Lose Weight)

Warning: rants ahead.

The third instalment on talking about my weight. Read part 1 here. Part 2 here. And oh, what the heck, read preamble here. A lot of people say that I am obsessed with how I look, and that's fine, because I am. I have said so myself. And this is the thing alright, I am obsessed with how I  look. I like looking at other beautiful things (read: I like looking at beautiful women), but I swear I am not obsessed with how they look. There is a subtle (or maybe not so subtle) difference.

Because the response to what I wrote has been largely this: but you've lost weight! As if it doesn't matter whether it is incidental or not, it happened and that is all that mattered? And as I have said over and over again, why does this matter to anyone else but me? Seen from this light, does this not mean that these people are obsessed about how other people (such as yours truly) look? The very same people are the same people who pay annoyingly close attention to what I eat or don't eat for that matter. And since these people do not exactly sit down and share meals with me (because I quite frankly do not like hanging out with them), they ask me to my face what I eat. Or if they happen to see what I eat, they would scrutinise it like there's no tomorrow. Really guys, there are other things worth obsessing about other than what I eat.

Why are people so obsessed about how other people lose weight? I mean, these are the same people who are very likely to say you are too skinny and how do you lose all the weight in a single breath. These people are fucking annoying to me. Put simply, here is the thing, one of them is rude, and the other is a legitimate question, which can be asked without the first sentence. Get it?

If you want to know, you could've asked nicely. Who am I kidding? That word doesn't exist in your vocabulary. 

So, how to lose weight?

(1) Quit sugar. Really, seriously. You won't miss it at all. Actually, maybe you will miss it a little bit, which is what happens when you've been addicted (don't worry, most of us are/were). But it is manageable after two weeks. Two weeks, by the way, is the time period that it takes for the body to adjust to a new routine. So any new habit you want to acquire to replace a bad habit, stick it out for two weeks and you're set.

(2) Quit sugar. Really, seriously. You gotta quit sugar twice. Because the second time around is designed to make you more aware of the sugar that you inadvertently consume in any given day. Plus it's easier and it makes you feel good better. Yes, I am of the school of thought along the lines of "fat doesn't make you fat, sugar makes you fat."

(3) Eat protein. Yes, you can do the Dukan diet if you want, but I did not do this. I just like my fried chicken too much. And my bacon and eggs. And my steaks. And fried chicken. And more fried chicken. Ok, you get the idea.

(4) Run. Or do whatever exercise you want to do. Exercise is good for us, yadidadida, bla bla bla.

But this is too hard! Don't want to do it? That's fine. Don't do it. That's why you're fat. Just don't tell other people that they are too skinny because what you're really saying is ... you're too fat. Hey, your perception, your pick. And for fuck's sake, stop obsessing on how other people look and start obsessing on how you, yourself, look, will ya? You will get the body you want - guaranteed.

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