It is Saturday morning and the sun is shining brightly, I can see it from my window. I am still very much in pain, although it is significantly less than what it was the day before. A lot less in a way that I am able to sit up in bed and type this. Still painful, but a lot less than yesterday.
I realise that I take my body for granted. It is only recently that I start exercising regularly and eating properly, and yes, there is a part of me that wishes that I had done this way earlier, like as in when I was younger or something. BUT, better now than never right?
The good news is that aside from the shoulder pain, I don't have any other pain. The pain in my shoulders permeates to my neck and my lower head, thus resulting in this persistent headache; yet I am still able to function fine. Andddd, it gives me time to write this because I did not go to the gym as planned. It is not that I don't want to write, I do want to write, but in order to have something to write about, I have to live my life, so living my life takes precedence over writing about my life at this stage.
It is going to be fine, I know it. Meanwhile, forgive me for whining and whinging. It's kind of nice to have you guys fuss over me. Hehe.
As some of you might have known, I think quite a lot about the value of (formal) education, defined as schooling in some institution, like a school, or university or colleges, TAFE, or whatever. I am thankful of the education that I've had, thankful of my teachers and a lot of inspirational people that I've met along the way, and especially thankful of my parents who funded these experiences. I know that attaining education is not the solution to everything in life, but it is a good start, and I think it is definitely something worth persisting in.
I mean, I tend to see the attainment of education, ultimately, as an experience in life that we choose to go through, and just like any other experience in this life, we make the most of it. Ok, we try to make the most of it. And just like any other experience in life, it is so much better if we approach it with a lot of enthusiasm. A lot of things in this life are overrated, but I think enthusiasm is not one of those things.
Then that brings the question, if you are not enthusiastic about attaining education, and you've tried to be enthusiastic and you just couldn't bring yourself to it, what do you do? Do you persist with education or not?
Believe it or not, I get asked this question a lot of times and I do not know the answer to that. Education has been beneficial to me, and I understand that it is not for everybody. That's really my honest answer. But I get the feeling that people do not want to hear this. And it is especially hard when they say "I know you would be honest with me, so tell me".
I think, an essential part of life is to work out what works for you and what doesn't. And to obtain the skills to make the things that do not work out for you to work for you. And to work out what it is that you really want in your life. The last one is the hardest one for me. I am still learning.
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