Saturday, 3 November 2012

What's carb-cravin' got to do with it

Ok, only a few more hours until I stop being contagious, which means I can go out and buy more salmon (ate the last piece last night). Eating salmon is the easiest option right now. The other option is eggs-consumption, which is what I do every morning, so in an attempt not to overdose on eggs, I am trying to eat something else for lunch and dinner.

Of course there is always fried chicken, particularly if they look like this:

That is what I call the real KFC - Korean Fried Chicken. Who would've thought that the Koreans manage to do fried chicken so well, even better than the Indonesians, in my opinion. Hey, hey, relax, I am Indonesian okay, so chill dude. It is just a matter of personal preference, plus the fact that there is no Indonesian restaurant in Sydney that does a half decent fried chicken. As opposed to grilled chicken, which is done to perfection by Ayam Goreng 99. (Yes, despite the name, it is actually the grilled chicken that wins the hearts of many.)  

However, to be completely honest, what I am really really really dying to eat is actually something like this: 

That, ladies and gentlement, is carb-craving gone wild. 

Have a nice weekend! If you are not confined to the walls of your bedroom like me, please go outside and enjoy the breeze. 

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